Sunday, March 8, 2009

Choosing the Right Design

One of the most important items to consider when getting a new tattoo is choosing the right design. Keep in mind that this is going to be…more or less…a permanent inking of the skin. That is of course one wishes to go through the physical AND financial pain of having the tattoo removed.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Professional Tattoo Machines

All of our professional tattoo machines come standard with 10-wrapped tattoo coils and high quality tattoo machine parts. Left-handed and right-handed tattoo artists can tune our machines as a tattoo liner, shader, or coloring within minutes!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Tattoo Inks

Most tattoo inks technically are not inks at all. They are a composition of pigments that are suspended in a carrier solution. Contrary to popular belief, pigments are generally not vegetable dyes. Modern pigments primarily consist of metal salts. In addition, some pigments contain plastics and there are some vegetable dyes as well. The pigment provides the color and the carrier disinfects the pigment suspension, keeps it evenly mixed, and accommodates ease of application.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Original Tattoo History

In different parts of ancient Asia, tattoos were used for a number of different reasons. Girls were marked when they came of age, then taken and married off. Tattoos were also used to signify rankings in society. Those who were unfortunate enough to be slaves were marked differently than those who were in the military and so forth. Each Asian country had different traditions, but most all of them included tattooing, even though it may have been only a small percentage the population. These ancient Asian peoples were certainly a part of original tattoo history as is evidenced by how far back their art can be traced.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Anxiety & Stress

How do you deal with that really bad tattoo you’ve just paid good money for. How is it that two people facing the same circumstances can react so differently? Why are some folks pummeled by the hardships of life while others glide through them with great calm and ease? Are some of us just born more nervous than others? And if you’re one of them, is there anything that can be done about it?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

sterilize tattoo equipment

An autoclave is a pressurized device designed to maintain a temperature of at least 245 degrees for 35 minutes in order to fully sterilize tattoo equipment.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jews and Tattoos

Nearly every Jew, from those who go to synagogue only on holidays to those who dutifully follow Jewish law, has heard that you’re not supposed to desecrate your body…especially with tattoos. ‘‘If you get a tattoo, you can’t be buried in a Jewish cemetery’’ is something that was hammered into me as long as I can remember

Monday, February 23, 2009

Tattoos…Safe or Sorry?

So…you’ve decided the time has come to get a tattoo. Whether it’s your first tattoo or your twentieth, the first thing you should do is make your checklist. Of course, if you’ve used a particular tattoo studio in the past and are familiar with it…the checklist process can be overlooked. But…if you’re using a new studio or artist, or this is your first tattoo, a checklist is of paramount importance. This point cannot be stressed enough.

Friday, February 6, 2009

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All Things Ink

all things ink:
All Things Ink …the #1 source for professional tattoo kits , tattoo supplies, & tattoo equipment. Browse our website and shop for tattoo power supplies , tattoo machines for right and left handed artists, NINJA Tattoo Grips, Tips, Tubes, MOMs Tattoo Ink , Intenze Tattoo Ink , Starbrite Tattoo Ink, Kuro Sumi Tattoo Ink, Disposable Tattoo Tubes, tattoo medical supplies , tattoo needles , tattoo autoclaves and sterilizers, tattoo furniture, tattoo practice skins, piercing kits and body piercing training courses, the finest in tattoo flash and much, much more!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What Exactly Is Tattoo ink?

Thinkin' Ink:

The truth is…you can’t be 100% sure! Producers of pigments and inks are not obligated to divulge the ingredients of their products. Pigments and tattoo inks are not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration. An artist who mixes their own inks from dry pigments would be most likely to know the exact formulation of the inks. Keep in mind the information is usually proprietary (a trade secret), so you may or may not get answers to your questions.

Most tattoo inks technically are not inks at all. They are a composition of pigments that are suspended in a carrier solution. Contrary to popular belief, pigments are generally not vegetable dyes. Modern pigments primarily consist of metal salts. In addition, some pigments contain plastics and there are some vegetable dyes as well. The pigment provides the color and the carrier disinfects the pigment suspension, keeps it evenly mixed, and accommodates ease of application.